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In-House Seminars

On request, we also offer in-house seminars tailored to your needs.

Main topics:

↣ The organisation of a small / medium patent department

↣ Process automation in the patent system

↣ Patent work as a secondary task (for: development management, special task patent work in R&D, management assistance)

↣ Learning from patents (for: R&D staff, product management, project management)

↣ Introduction to patents (for: R&D staff, product management, project management, purchasing, middle and senior management)

↣ Training for patent managers and patent clerks

↣ Practice of employee-inventor compensation

↣ Introduction to portfolio management with software tools

↣ Introduction to patent search (with prof. search tools/with freely accessible search databases)

↣ User training patent management software

↣ User training in search tools

↣ Strategic patent management (for: management, technology management, product management/marketing)